Your Name (required)

Address (required)

Postal Town (required)

Postal code (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone number (required)

(We do not use any of your details for any use other than contact with reference to this entry. We will not share these details with anyone.)

Do you have a specific question about the event or comment about your vehicle?

Feel free to write bit about your vehicle.

0 characters used.

Your Vehicle

Type of vehicle (required)

If other (above) please feel free to elaborate.

0 characters used.

Type of vehicle (required)

Make of vehicle (required)

Model of vehicle (required)

Year of vehicle eg 1969 (required)

Capacity of vehicle (CC) (required)

Condition of vehicle (required)

We need to manage space at the event so how will you be bringing your vehicle? (required)
Drive/ride to eventBring on trailer

Entry Donation and T-shirts - £15

We invite people make a modest donation of £15 with a couple of aims in mind. We want to take the chance to raise some money for charity, so £5.00 from every entry will go to RD&E Charity and in addition we provide drivers with a good quality T shirt commemorating the day.

What size of T shirt would you like (required)

By checking this box, you confirm that you have read and are agreeing to our terms of use regarding the storage of the data submitted through this form.

The Turner Locker Barnfield Revival – Exeter and Devon Motor Event

Sunday 17th September 2023
11.00am – 4.00pm
Barnfield Crescent, Exeter

Click here to schedule the event in your iPhone or Google/Android device.

Printable Entry form

Download your printable entry form here

Entry Donation

We invite people make a discretionary donation of £15 with a couple of aims in mind. We want to take the chance to raise some money for charity, so £5.00 from every entry will go to RD&E Charity and in addition we provide drivers with a good quality T shirt commemorating the day.

We have booked the fabulous Hummingbirds. There will be food, drink & coffee vendors attending and of course further displays will be on site.

Entry fees are non-refundable

T Shirt Purchase

For those who are not bringing a vehicle but are wishing to purchase one of our lovely T shirts (£12:50) please call Karen on 01392 201 202.

Payment Details

Payments cab be made via BACS

Turner Locker Barnfield
Account No: 10004165
Sort Code: 12-13-55

Loss or Damage

Turner Locker Barnfield & Barnfield Crescent Ltd do not accept any responsibility for any damage, loss of vehicle or personal effects or liability incurred at the motor event and car show.
Vehicle exhibitors must be covered by a current insurance policy with appropriate cover, of which a copy must be made available for inspection by request on the day Drivers of exhibiting cars must be fully competent and have an appropriate licence No vehicles are to be left running unattended. Any cars left unattended must be left with the handbrake fully on and with the keys removed from the ignition

Vehicle Safety

All vehicles are to be of safe working condition
There will be a maximum speed of 5mph on the day for all vehicles on the site. Any exhibitor exceeding the speed limit shall be asked to leave
All drivers of vehicles must obey the Marshall’s instructions and not endanger any pedestrians or on the site.